

There is no such thing as the typical administrator and with companies increasingly seeking professionals who fit more specifically with their corporate culture and operations, the number of job titles continues to grow as well as responsibilities for like-for-like job titles being different and diverse. This trend contributes to the lack of understanding amongst colleagues over both the day-to-day role of an administrative professional and the larger impact that they have on an organisation. As a result, administrative professionals are often the under-represented workforce. Of course this is not the case for all organisations but we want to open the conversation about what the administrative professional brings to an organisation.

For the latest updates and interviews with IAM members and industry leaders about their perceptions of the administrative profession and the value professionals bring to an organisation, keep an eye on the IAM blog and IAM social media platforms. You can also sign up to our communications to have the latest from the campaign come straight to your inbox!

We want to invite you to join in the conversation, to rally support for #AdminAwareness amongst professionals in the workplace. You can join in on twitter, facebook and linkedin and by submitting a quote with your thoughts!